Supporting the ones serving abroad.
Our Missions Team does a great job connecting the church to the field and we are so privileged and blessed to provide prayer and support to these extraordinary families!

Meet the Missionaries

Tim and JoAnn Bauer
Tim and JoAnn are missionaries with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Ships - Flotilla, a ministry to bring the Gospel to peoples living on the most isolated islands in SE Asia and the Pacific. Flotilla partners with private Christian sailboat owners to reach the island peoples. Tim gives oversight to Flotilla's work among the unreached peoples on these remote islands, visiting the teams, advising and giving pastoral care.
In the Pacific, Tim (who speaks French) is also helping lead Flotilla's ministry in French Polynesia. Our focus are the 16 isolated Tuamotu islands. Our teams there are partnering with Samaritan's Purse, Operation Christmas Child bringing the Gospel and discipleship to the children of these islands while preparing for longer term mission involvement.
YWAM-Youth With a Mission
Where They Are:
Pacific & Asia
When they Started:

The "E" Family (concealed for security)
Southeast Asia is home to many different ethnic groups with distinct languages, cultures and beliefs. Buddhism, ancestor worship and fear of evil spirits are prevalent throughout the region. The E family lead a group of 100 missionaries from over a dozen nationalities who share a common vision for a movement of reproducing churches among each people group of this region. To learn more about the E family and how to pray for them and their ministry, please speak to our church secretary.
Where They Are:
Southeast Asia
When they Started:

Tom and Sarah Kelby
Hands to the Plow aims to serve the church by providing resources and teaching designed to help Christians grow in their understanding of God’s word, specifically, how teaching how the Bible progresses, integrates, and climaxes in Jesus. Hands to the Plow does this with curriculum (for children and adults), podcasts, and on-site training seminars for church leaders, especially leaders in places where theological training is difficult to access.
Hands to the Plow
Where They Are:
Webster, Wisconsin
When they Started:

Bob and Darlene McCoy
Vessels of Mercy Ministries exists to bring God’s Mercy to the nations. We believe in a two-fold approach for strengthening believers that meet both spiritual and natural needs. Spiritual care is given by encouraging and equipping national pastors, leaders, and local churches through seminars, church visits and written materials. Some of the ways we help meet natural needs are: feeding outreaches, disaster relief, educational assistance, and others as needs vary and resources allow. Vessels of Mercy Ministries is being led by Bob and Darlene McCoy; who are full time, second generation Kingdom workers. We primarily work in the Philippines, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Nepal.
Vessels of Mercy
Where They Are:
Asia, primarily in Philippines, Vietnam and Bangladesh.
When they Started:

Identity concealed due to security issues
This beautiful family from Wisconsin have 4 precious children. They work in Mental Health and Education in their respective country and due to security concerns cannot be disclosed further. If you have questions or wish to know more please speak to the church secretary.
Table Fellowship
Where They Are:
Middle East - North Africa
When they Started:

Paul and Teresa Stilwell
Paul and Teresa Stilwell are church planters among Hispanics both in Mexico, where they lived for 14 years, and for the past 12 years among immigrants in Lakeville, Minnesota, where they pastor a Hispanic congregation they planted. Other Hispanic projects in MN include Bible institute training and family camp planning. They travel to Mexico several times a year to minister among their association of six churches and missions. Paul and Teresa's next trip to Mexico is at the end of November as conference speakers at their annual couple's seminar.
The Stilwell's also develop extensive training materials for Hispanic pastors and church planters around the world. They have created an online Spanish Christian resource site ( that provides teaching and study tools, including Gospel tracts, extensive Bible studies, and sermon series.
Missions to Latin America
Where They Are:
Farmington, MN and Latin America
When they Started:

The "Z" Family - concealed due to security issues
They serve in the Middle East and Central Asia, seeking God’s Kingdom expansion among the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims. Their part there is to focus on growing people, healthy teams, and effective leaders by facilitating spiritual, professional and emotional growth for people in these very difficult areas. The build diverse, multicultural leaders in greater health and clarity who will effectively take the Gospel to some of the world’s most unreached areas.
Cru (Campus Crusade)
Where They Are:
When they Started:

Will and Jenelle Wolf
Will and Jenelle Wolf are missionaries with Mission Aviation Fellowship, gearing up to serve in east Africa. Will is a maintenance specialist, who will be working on aircraft that serve missionaries, pastors and national workers in the eastern side of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. These aircraft supply safe, efficient travel, as well as reliable supply and support for many Christian groups, and have a significant impact on Bible translation in this region. Jenelle plans to serve as a support in the home, raising their three kids, Raymond, Sherian) and Miles . Together they plan to be active in their new community and church, reaching out to the people of Uganda and east Congo, as well as finding ways to help those living in the IDP (internally displaced persons) camps outside our program’s main base in Bunia.
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Where They Are:
East Africa